Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT)
Team Commander
Captain Jeffrey Perez

Team Leader: Sgt. C. Barker
Assistant Team Leader: Sgt. P. Canales / Ofc. W. Burns
Our department has a highly trained group of officers who serve on the Special Weapons and Tactics Team commonly referred to as SWAT. The SWAT Team is trained to resolve numerous crises, including hostage situations, handling of armed or potentially armed barricaded subjects, high risk search warrants, dignitary protection, civil disturbance and other special events.
Each SWAT Team member typically serves in the patrol division and is assigned to a patrol shift. They perform routine police officer duties while on their shift but they have access to specialty equipment. Each member also performs roll call shift training on tactics to ensure that officers are kept up to date with the latest training. Unlike other officers in the patrol division they are not given a choice of shift, but they are assigned to a particular shift. This ensures that our Township has a SWAT Team officer working around the clock. Most SWAT officers consider serving on the team an honor and privilege. They take great pride in protecting the public and the community they serve.
Selection to the team is very competitive and each candidate must complete a battery of tactical exercises, range exercises, and a physical fitness test. The selection process only commences when there is an opening on the unit which is rare. After selection it takes a new member almost one year before they can take part of Team Missions. The unit is commanded by a lieutenant who has at least one Assistant Team Leader. All supervisors assigned to SWAT attend all team training sessions and are able to perform in the same capacity as the others assigned to the unit.