Records Bureau
Administration Division Commander
Captain Erin Harry

The Records Bureau is an integral part of the Willingboro Police Department. All records generated by the police officers are sorted, filed and secured within the Records Bureau.
Records are maintained in accordance with NJ State Statutes. Records must be provided to the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office or the Willingboro Township Municipal Prosecutor’s Office, defense attorneys, defendants who are representing themselves and Willingboro Police Officers when they are scheduled to testify before a Grand Jury or in court.
Reports are available to victims, insurance companies or anyone requesting information under the Open Public Records Act, which is commonly referred to as OPRA.
One of the most important tasks of the Records Bureau is compiling records for the Uniform Crime Report (UCR). A monthly report regarding crime statistics and arrests is forwarded to the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) UCR Unit. All police agencies in New Jersey provide this information. The NJSP then forwards all statistics to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Washington, DC. The yearly crime statistics are made available to all Law Enforcement agencies and the general public the following June-July.
Reports are given out at the Police Records room located on the lower level of the Municipal Complex. The hours are as follows:
Tuesday - Friday.... 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Mondays............... 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Records fees: $0.75 per page
Reports for Motor Vehicle Accidents that occurred in Willingboro Township can be obtained online by clicking on the logo.